What is an Incident?
An occurrence that causes (or could have caused, in the case of a “Near Miss” damage to property, injury/illness, or death.
A reportable incident covers:
- The death of a participant
- Serious injury of a participant
- Abuse or neglect of a participant
- Unlawful sexual or physical contact with, or assault of, a participant
- Sexual misconduct committed against, or in the presence of, a participant, including grooming of the participant for sexual activity
- The unauthorised use of a restrictive practice in relation to a participant.
Concerning Incidents
We place a high value on your safety. We put forth a lot of effort to provide safe services. However, accidents do happen. People make errors and behave unfairly from time to time. These occurrences are referred to as “incidents.” This form outlines how we strive to avoid incidents and what we do in the event that one does occur. You can also aid in the prevention of incidents. Act with caution. Respect the people around you. And if you’re not feeling safe, tell someone.
Being safe and feeling safe
NDIS providers must adhere to certain guidelines in order to keep people safe. We make every effort to keep everyone safe. That includes you, our employees, and others in the community. We consider what causes accidents and how to avoid them. This is referred to as “risk management.” We ask you questions and consider the services we provide, the locations where those services are provided, and the individuals who work with you and others in your environment. We want everyone to feel protected and secure. You have the option of informing us if you feel uncomfortable.
We pledge to pay attention.
- The death of a participant
- If there is an issue or an accident, our employees know what to do.
If an incident occurs, we follow the NDIS guidelines.
- We need to inform the NDIS Commission.
- We need to look into the situation.
- We must take action to ensure that this tragedy does not occur again.
- All of this has to be discussed with the individual who was injured.
- If someone is harmed, or if someone claims to have been hurt, or if employees treat NDIS participants unfairly, we must follow these regulations.
Tell someone else if you don’t feel comfortable speaking with our staff. You can speak with family and friends, as well as an advocate. You should file a complaint with the NDIS Commission, which sets the rules and assists participants when they breach them.
Putting things straight once more
Everyone has the right to equal treatment. If you are a victim of a crime, you have the right to know what went wrong and what is being done to rectify the situation. You have the right to complain if you do not receive these replies. We will keep you updated at all times. We want to be respectful to you. If you are dissatisfied with our complaints procedure, you have the right to seek assistance. The NDIS Commission may be able to assist you. An advocate can also assist you by speaking on your behalf.
You can reach out to us by calling your therapist.
Getting in touch with Golden Plus Care management at +61 411 400 662
Sending us an email at admin@goldenpluscare.com.au, support@goldenpluscare.com.au or writing to us at 159 Barkly Street, Footscray, VIC 3011, Australia
The NDIS Commission may be reached at www.ndiscommission.gov.au.
1800 035 544 (toll-free)
133 677 (TTY)
It is possible to arrange for interpreters.
The National Disability Advocacy Program may be reached at disabilityadvocacy@dss.gov.au.
Department of Social Services, Disability, Employment and Carers Group, GPO Box 9820, Canberra ACT 2601
Alternatively, look for “disability advocate” on the internet.